Love Cats, and The Valentine’s Bizarre!

These kitty brothers need a home! They love attention, and are accustomed to having their nails trimmed. They’re neutered, and have had their first round of shots. A friend rescued them from a parking lot where they’d been left in a box duct taped closed without air holes. If you or someone you know lives in or around Sacramento, and can give some tender loving care to a pair of kitties, let me know!
On another note, the Lonely Hearts of the Living Dead
Valentine’s Zombizarre is tonight!
‘Tis A zombie-themed arts fair in honor of George Romero’s birthday!
(Director: Night of the Living Dead)
Do your Valentine’s Day gift shopping with local merchants, each providing wonders you won’t find anywhere else,
including the art prints and pendants of
Master Nick, 
Tonight, 8:PM to 12:AM at On The Y!
670 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, CA 95825-4814

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